
[Successful planting experience of Panax notoginseng +1 copper coin 1]

Tian Tang was very calm when he saw that "1" was deducted from one seed and estimated that copper coins were needed for planting.
According to the present situation, about ten seeds can be planted on each square meter. This time, a penny is deducted, which is equivalent to a penny for each seed planted. This price is a conscience price.
A total of 15 reclaimed land fields were planted with Panax notoginseng in one of them, and cold-resistant Chinese cabbage was planted in the remaining five.
After planting, there are 5 cold-resistant cabbage seeds left in her game warehouse.
The planting level was upgraded from level 1 to level 2, and the sharp beech was rewarded. The tools were not bound skills and were placed in the game warehouse.
After Tian Tang got rid of the remaining frog and mouse skills, a total of 8 points were experienced, and the skills were upgraded from level 3 to level 5.
This time, the reward is quite generous. When I was promoted to level 4, I gave 4 Jin of cotton and 1 foot of cotton when I was promoted to level 5.
After autumn, it will soon be winter, and more than 30 people in the village will live. These rewards are necessary for Tian Tang now, but she is not going to take them out directly, thinking that it will be colder later.
Tian Tang looked at the game panel.
Now the data in the game panel has changed a lot.
Name Tian Tang
Character level (level 1) 1/1
An area of 5 square kilometers
Fertile land 15(1 piece of fertile land =1 square meter)
43 articles of copper coins
Life skills
My Master (Level 5) 18/5 【 Binding Tool My Master Knife 】
Chef (Grade) 16/ [Binding tool kitchen knife {Grade 1 (dicing) (upgradeable [1 taels of silver])}]
Reclamation (level) 5/1 [binding tool hoe {level 1 (1 square meter) (upgradeable [1 silver])}]
Planting (Grade) 5/1
Collecting (medicine) (grade) [binding tool medicine hoe {grade 1 (1 square meter) (upgradeable [1 silver])}]
Mining (agricultural products) (unopened)
Unknown? ? ?
Unknown? ? ?
Unknown? ? ?
Tian Tang mainly looks at the last string of unknown skills. According to her previous experience, these unknown skills are not like [planting], [digging] and [picking (agricultural products)]. They need to be triggered by her, just as she triggers [cooking], [cooking] and [picking] skills one after another. She is curious about what skills will appear after that.
Before leaving the farmland, Tian Tang looked back at the neat field and shook his fist.
Chapter IX Trading Hall
[Congratulations on your successful harvest of cabbage *1 cabbage species (cold-resistant) *1 copper coin +1 experience +1]
[Congratulations on your successful harvest of Sanqi *1 Sanqi species *1 copper coin +1 experience +1]
After the harvest of the land, Tian Tang opened the game warehouse
In total, there are ten squares, including mouse meat, frog meat, quack-quack-sharp Chinese cabbage and notoginseng, each with two squares. Fifty cabbages just harvested and one intact notoginseng each with two squares.
Up to now, the total amount of copper coins is 193 pence
In this way, there are only two squares left in the game warehouse.
Tian Jiacun needs to develop, and she can’t rely on her alone. She can’t put her things in the game warehouse.
While thinking about Tian Jiacun’s next development, Tian Tang once again [cultivated] and [planted] skills.
Game Skills Growing vegetables is much faster than she expected. Three days later, she harvested a batch of Chinese cabbage and a batch of Sanqi. Now she grows less, so the speed is not bad, but when she grows more and more, these fields can’t meet her planting needs.
Plant all twenty fields. Don turned around and went home.
These days, people in Japanese villages believe in the goddess more and more. The only person in Tian Tang village who can reach the idea of the goddess has won the respect of everyone. On his way back, Tian Tang met many villagers who bowed down to meet him.