

"Gu Yan, I’m very hot. Would you mind relaxing?" An Ge has spoken.

"I’m hot, too!" Gu Yan evil smile in her ear ambiguous breath. For Gu Yan’s hooliganism at any time and place, An Ge didn’t have the spirit to directly raise his hand and slap his face and sneer at "I…


Frick, after all, is a man who has been in politics for many years. He easily found the key. "So are we going to acquiesce in this kind of action by the United States or act as a powerful response?"

Logan is very fond of the president’s calling us. He also admitted that "the temporary suspension of the Suez Canal will not have much impact on the interests of all parties in the Mediterranean, but Italy will be different, which…


At the sight of Huang Dagui’s knowledge of crying and not talking, he quickly said, "Dad, can I go out?" I don’t know anything. I’m in trouble Didn’t you say that you know anyone important? Let me out of here! I don’t want to stay here. "

Huang Dagui’s face was bitter. Seeing him down and out like this, he felt that Huang Wenbo had no hope. What can I do even if I can get out of jail? Huang Dagui couldn’t tell him these words. He…


"Chloe, if you insist on one more horse, you will land. When the time comes, there will be water and something to eat. You insist on one more!"

"Uncle, father, I can’t feel my legs." Hearing this, Ouyang Feng’s face sank, and he naturally knew that the injured part was unconscious, which was probably not a good thing. But there’s no way to be serious now. Pushing the…


Light snow knows what Lingyun doesn’t mind. It’s not like he didn’t tell light snow before he did something bad. It’s unnecessary.

Just like parents go out to work and let their children know that they are going to work, few parents and children specifically say what they are doing during class. "Fight?" Song Xuejuan repeated, "Is it necessary to fight even…


Lin Zixiao wanted to say this, but after touching the banter in Anshun’s eyes, she calmed down again, reached out her hands and tried to push her and said, "Anshun, it seems that you are too close to me."

"We are all here. Is it normal to be so close?" Anshun day slowly said that Lin Zixiao’s jaw had been pulled up and forced her to look at her. "Let go!" Lin Zixiao bitten to grind shouted "Hum" Anshun…



Sophie is still dressed in a cloak, but there is no difference except for a pair of sparkling eyes, but Xia Man still captures a trace of warmth from her always calm eyes. Summer pretty hey hey smiled two didn’t…


Sometimes, when opponents chase points crazily, China players often fall into a state of contradiction. They think that they are still in the lead, and they will have a feeling of peace of mind. However, when their opponents chase points, they will worry that their opponents will overtake them.

In many cases, the China team just ruined the game. After the China team was reversed or the China team simply fell behind, the commentator often said, "There is not much time left for the China team." At this time,…