Month: June 2024


At this time, I was immediately interested in hearing that the two of them were going to transfer to the fourth district of Zhejiang.

"Now you can report the bones. Are you going to transfer?" Tianyu replied "I haven’t enjoyed the game for quite a while. Recently, my hands are itchy and things in the store are almost busy." Bones said with some excitement….


"Hey, yes!" Yan Luowang smell speech suddenly shine at the moment, blunt nine thumbs up shout "listen to a word from a good brother is better than reading for ten years! Before it’s too late, I’ll report to the jade emperor in heaven now! !” Say Yan Luowang will leave!

Nine heavy a stopped it, "yeah, don’t go yet! I helped you get rid of these three living ancestors. You promised to give me a reward? !” "Oh, yes, yes, yes, my brother. I forgot!" Yan Luowang took out the…


"Well, would you believe me if I said that he and I were each other’s strongest rivals?"

When Chen Yi said this, Zhang Haoxian felt that Chen Yi was lost in memories and his eyes were full of nostalgia for the past. "I believe" Zhang Hao didn’t witness the glory of Chen Yi’s time, but from the…



Abnormal killing! The Scourge Corps is marching towards victory. The near-guard tower collapsed. Then the Nv team bought live dragon and axe king and went to the Guards Highland Tower again. Prepare for the final struggle. Nv team dragon played…


The man outside the door came directly with a bear hug.

"Chen, why are you so fast?" Li Yi asked "Of course, the boss found that the beauty was locked in and the beauty was moving towards the beauty. This is my usual style. When I heard of a beauty, I…


Light snow knows what Lingyun doesn’t mind. It’s not like he didn’t tell light snow before he did something bad. It’s unnecessary.

Just like parents go out to work and let their children know that they are going to work, few parents and children specifically say what they are doing during class. "Fight?" Song Xuejuan repeated, "Is it necessary to fight even…


"Danger! ! ! ! Martins cut in! ! ! ! Hmm! ! Sen Guixing and Cannavaro both fell to the penalty area, and the referee whistled. What happened? Oh! ! ! No! ! ! Penalty! ! ! Referee Valere awarded Catania a penalty. Did Cannavaro just foul? However, it is very common to pull the restricted area in Serie A just now. Let’s take a look at the big screen playback of the stadium. Oh, my God! ! ! Misjudgment! ! ! This is definitely a misjudgment. Sen Guixing tripped over Cannavaro’s foot and brought him down. Cannavaro was explaining to referee Valere, but the referee Valere didn’t listen to his explanation. He firmly pointed to the penalty spot and gave Cannavaro a yellow card. All the other players in Naples gathered around, but there was no referee who still insisted on his penalty. I don’t know if he saw Cannavaro’s foul with his eyes. I can’t help but say the painful expression of Catania player Sen Guixing lying in the penalty area. That day, the player was really a professional. I mean not the skill but his acting skills. This year, the Silver Lion Award in Venice, Italy (the highest award in Italian film) should be awarded to him. "Morey was indignant at the commentary, but he and the Naples fans were indignant and did not stop the referee from awarding Catania a penalty.

The penalty kick was created by Mori Guixing, who personally punished Lezo for not jumping in the right direction. Mori Guixing’s penalty kick was easily scored more than 20 minutes after the half-time. Napoli players were more impatient and blind…


There is an I club machine gunner outside the wooden door, which affects the master’s judgment. The other party has to assign one less person to defend the wooden door, and must always pay attention to the changes here.

None of the winners in Boda knows whether the machine gunner outside the wooden door is a target to confuse them. Of course, maybe the other side may deliberately let one person wear a point in that place to make…


Lin Zixiao wanted to say this, but after touching the banter in Anshun’s eyes, she calmed down again, reached out her hands and tried to push her and said, "Anshun, it seems that you are too close to me."

"We are all here. Is it normal to be so close?" Anshun day slowly said that Lin Zixiao’s jaw had been pulled up and forced her to look at her. "Let go!" Lin Zixiao bitten to grind shouted "Hum" Anshun…