
"Not bad"

"Little deputy leader how can so mess? Who ate the bear heart leopard gall? "
"The younger generation heard that the Yin Bao clan of Jixuefeng stayed in Longjing because of a man named Xiao Wen. Can this happen?" This Xie Tianyun wants to pretend to be more respectful, and the mood of being impeded is too urgent, so it seems a bit neither fish nor fowl.
"It’s not bad that the deputy leader also knows about it?" The Yin Bao with anger way
"My wrist was broken by that Xiao Wen, and I still hope that my predecessors will make decisions!"
"What? How dare Xiao Wen break the wrist of the little vice leader? Cheat me, demon race? !” That Yin Bao lived a few hundred years less, experienced and well aware of the truth, but he still followed Xie Tianyun’s words.
"Please take my revenge! !” Jietianyun a face of mournful tunnel
"My family can’t wait to put Xiao Wen to pieces. It’s not allowed to start work easily in Naicheng. Is that so good?"
"Don’t start work easily that xiao asked not to hurt me? ! Don’t hesitate, senior. It’s just that you and I are both asking if there is an enemy. If the Lord really blames you, I’ll bear it. " Xietianyun eager tunnel
"This is true!"
"I swear to God!"
"There are few champions this sentence is enough! Haha, go and collect Xiao Wen and Duan’s family! " The Yin Bao generous tunnel
"Be sure to keep that swallow for me!"
"This is easy to say."
"If possible, try to keep Xiao Wen’s life and I will kill him myself." Xie Tianyun gnashed her teeth and tunnel.
"Okay, we’ll try."
Xie Tianyun consciously repeated it and then turned to look around, only to see that from time to time, three heads came again, and each head of Yin Bao was less of a big fairy realm!
"Let’s go! Less deputy leader, you need to be far away when you are injured. "Take the lead, and then Yin Bao quickly said that his four legs were jerked forward.
The other three Yin Bao’s actions did not slow down at all, and they were already gone in the blink of an eye.
Xie Tianyun and the old servant stood on the spot instead. I’m afraid this help Yin Bao was premeditated. Otherwise, how could it be so fast?
Xie Tianyun, although bad, is not stupid at all. It’s absolutely that there is a demon slave in Yin Bao who is there every day to monitor Xiao Wen. He just touched him today and immediately reported to Yin Bao for training. Then these Yin Bao just stayed here and waited for him, but pretended to be a chance encounter!
He wants Yin Bao to avenge him, and the Yin Bao family doesn’t want to use him as a shield?
It’s good for everyone to get what they need. What’s in it for each other? !
"go! Don’t let them accidentally kill Duan Yan and Xiao Wen! " Jie Tianyun also waited for the old servant to chase him out after he finished.
Xiao Wen is studying the refining method of Qibao Xuanhuo Tower in stone painting, and preparing to refine it that night. He is studying and suddenly listening to the outside world. ! !”
Then, the "Ding Ding Dang" tiles came to the ground with amazing force.
Xiao asked immediately quit the stone painting "sou" and jumped out of bed to jump outside.
Seeing the dusty roof and broken soil sliding in the courtyard is just like having just experienced an earthquake.
A micro-gaze Xiao Wen is already rushing to the middle and stops at a height of more than ten feet from the ground.
The 12344 Yin Bao just surrounded Duan’s yard and looked at him eyeing up at Xiao Wen’s stop for a moment.
Four guys are one of the Great Immortal Realm, or they are about to break through, which brings great pressure to Xiao Wen in an instant.
"Xiao asked!" The lead state highest Yin Bao road.
"You finally can’t help it?" Xiao asked wondering god se in the heart is quite calm cold tunnel
"I blame you for offending the deputy leader of Yueyan Demon Union" Xiao asked a Yin Bao on the right behind him and laughed.
"…" When Xiao asked me, I really regret that I didn’t kill him directly. Farewell wouldn’t have thought that new and old enemies would suddenly join hands.
"I want you to do it for a few more days, and it’s no wonder that you have to die yourself!" Take the lead in Yin Bao words just say that finish is the body suddenly fell low momentum suddenly rise will jump out at any time!
"It’s too low here, so I’m afraid I’ll go to a high place to fight?" Xiao asked
"Very close to death do you still worry about hurting koo …" Take the lead in Yin Bao disdain tunnel.
Just as they were talking, the dust in the Kung Fu Courtyard had almost fallen, and the noodle man finally saw the situation.
"Xiao Dage!" Duan Yan shouted nervously at the door of the main room.
Moment then listen to a growl out of the yard and then a gray shadow rushed to the stopped beside Xiao asked.
It’s that little wolf!
Little Wolf Duan often cruelly asked Xiao Wen to discount his broken leg again after he got the blood mark. However, when he was treated again, he often helped him to recover. At this time, the little Wolf’s broken leg was still curled up, but he still rushed to Xiao Wen’s side resolutely.
"Xiao Dage!" It’s not the wolf talking, but Duan Chang.
"Go! You root cutting won’t do it! " Xiao asked urgent way