
i’bak! Lvses(;

Chapter II Returned Persons ()
Wu Yueer’s soul is transformed into a spiritual body, and naturally it will not be threatened by crossing the bracelet. Duanmuming and Sharla Cheung will have some difficulties. Although they have not really entered the underworld, it is also very uncomfortable to see the edge of the brothers.
Fortunately, Duanmu Ming took a lot of things and picked and crushed two middle-earth spar cloth. A simple law was laid and then started … The law issued a yellow-colored light array, which suddenly fluctuated. Duanmu Ming and Sharla Cheung disappeared.
After a burst of dizziness, two people fell from the middle school and hugged Sharla Cheung, who turned over and let himself face. Although Sharla Cheung Ma woke up and wanted to turn the fat over again, Duan Muming was not allowed to be pressed to the ground.
"Master … Master, how are you?" Sharla Cheung quickly got up from the fat body to check if he was injured. With apologies in his eyes, Duanmu Ming also asked her to call her husband with Wu Yueer, but Sharla Cheung always couldn’t change it. Even if she reluctantly agreed, she would become the owner’s address. Fat is just a name, isn’t it?
"Alas ….." Duanmu Ming sighed a long time, which made Sharla Cheung nervous. Where did he get hurt? "Sharla Cheung, you should lose weight and look at this ass." Duanmu Ming reached out her hand to Ziji’s round and plump buttocks. Although Sharla Cheung blushed, she didn’t move. Although there was no contract restriction, she still absolutely followed Duanmu’s words.
-Besides, Ziji’s heart is secretly looking forward to …
Unfortunately, the spoiler appeared when the key was pressed.
"Husband … don’t bully Sharla Cheung’s sister!" In the bracelet, Wu Yueer suddenly floated out and stared at Duan Muming’s fat hand and took it back, but Wu Yueer’s chest was bulging and bimodal. "Is the moon jealous?"
"The somebody else didn’t …" Wu Yueer didn’t admit that he felt numb and crisp at the same time. He was a spiritual body without a physical husband’s hands. It was impossible to realize how he could feel so strongly. Wu Yueer blushed and never dared to look at Duan Muming again and got into the bracelet.
It’s a pleasure to return to the human world, but their "landing site" is not optimistic. It’s actually difficult to get out in the deep mountains and valleys. Although it’s not difficult for me to get out of here, Duan Muming feels that there is a strong aura here.
There are not many places with strong aura in the human world, and he is sure that this place definitely belongs to China. Duanmu Ming will be interesting to see what place it is.
"Master, where are we going?" Although Sharla Cheung’s outdoor ability is excellent, she is no worse than Duanmu Ming, but she still habitually asks Duanmu Ming. Duanmu Ming looks at the sky, and it’s time for dinner.
"Let’s go along the mountain trend and see if there is any place to rest. I don’t think we can get out of this mountain these days." Duan Muming said while observing the mountain trend and surrounding conditions. "By the way, Sharla Cheung, do you think there will be Warcraft here with such abundant aura?" The question suddenly occurred to him.
"There should be a master." Sharla Cheung closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "There may be a first-order or second-order Warcraft."
"Great," Duan Muming couldn’t help but feel excited. "Let’s stay here for two more days and try our luck to see if we can find materials suitable for the moon."
"Husband, I’m so touched." Although Wu Yueer didn’t appear in the bracelet, she clearly came out.
"Well, just be patient and consolidate your knowledge. Don’t be too distracted, or you won’t have such a good chance to practice after you have your body."
"Well, people know," Wu Yueer sweetly replied, "I want to close Sharla Cheung’s sister and take good care of her husband." Sharla Cheung nodded and didn’t speak, but Wu Yueer seemed to see it and charged a few words, so he didn’t have a sound. It is estimated that he is back to the bracelet to practice with peace of mind. After all, he is too fat and Sharla Cheung is far from her. She is also worried about being fat and underestimating her.
Actually, Duanmu Ming doesn’t pay special attention to his woman’s strength. Of course, his woman has to protect herself, not the other way around.
"Let’s go and find a place to rest first. It’s the most important thing to watch the weather. It won’t rain, right?" Duan Muming said as he fumbled forward according to his own feelings. Sharla Cheung followed him closely and glanced around warily from time to time to prevent accidents.
In this way, two people marching on rugged mountains, for them, it is more like a kind of leisure. I don’t know how long it will take before it gets dark. If they can’t find a place to live, they will save a temporary rest place.
"Master, there seems to be a temple on the far hillside." Sharla Cheung’s eyes are equally excellent in the dark, and he can see more clearly than during the day. When he looked around to find his habitat, Sharla Cheung had seen a small temple on the far hillside.
Fat posed with a hand in the arbor and looked at it. There was indeed a temple, but it was estimated that it was not much better. Duanmu Ming’s heart suddenly moved in autumn rain and the temple was broken. It seems that this scene exists in many martial arts novels. Will he also encounter any martial arts masters, conspiracy and vendetta, or beautiful love?
Thinking about myself, I smiled inexplicably. It seems that this rebirth has not changed my personality. Before that, my memory became subconscious and did not encroach on myself. Although my consciousness will inevitably be affected, Duan Muming’s memory, consciousness and habits still dominate.
"Let’s go, our goal today is to get some game there, so it would be better," Duan Muming said to himself.
"Master doesn’t …" Purple Ji listens to fat and wants to eat game. She wants her master to look for fat. She hurriedly stops "Forget it, protect the ecological balance". It’s not meaningful to eat or not because they can get energy from the surrounding aura. It’s just a habit.
After walking through the jungle for a long time, it was already dark, and the autumn wind brought chills and faint thunder. It seemed that it was going to rain. Duanmu Ming and Sharla Cheung couldn’t help but speed up their steps. Seeing the broken temple not far away, Duanmu Ming suddenly stopped, while Sharla Cheung also stared warily into the deep forest opposite.
Someone’s coming!
Fat and Sharla Cheung are almost aware at the same time, but fat depends on a hunch, while Sharla Cheung relies on Lvses (;
The second volume Returned people ()